The Kagumo processing station belongs to the Mutira Farmer Cooperative Society, which is the umbrella organisation for several other regional processing stations. It is located in Kirinyaga District in central Kenya, in the Kagumo area near the town of Kutus. This station is one of the key coffee processing centres in the region and falls within the wider growing area around Mount Kenya.
In Kenya, coffee is usually traceable to the processing station level, where smallholder farmers bring their coffee cherries for sale and further processing. Farmers are paid according to the weight of the cherries delivered, and their harvest is then sorted and combined into larger batches. Because of the small size of the farms and the way they are processed, it is not possible to identify exactly which farm contributed to a particular batch - more detailed records would mean complex paperwork and delays in processing. Therefore, Kenyan coffees are less traceable to the individual grower level.