Funky Natural is a special process used at Los Placeres Farm to achieve the unique flavour profile of the coffee. This process begins with the harvesting of only ripe coffee cherries, which are then soaked in water to remove the unripe fruit. The cherries are then taken to a drying station where they are placed in a thicker than normal layer, which speeds up fermentation.
During fermentation, the cherries are turned less frequently, which intensifies the fermentation process. On the drying area, the cherries are covered for 36 hours at an average temperature of 38 °C, which is carefully monitored to prevent excessive fermentation.
Once the controlled fermentation is complete, the cherries are spread out in a thin layer to facilitate drying and are turned over more frequently. Drying takes place in the sun for 5 days, followed by 28 days on African drying beds until the cherries reach 12% moisture. The total drying time for this lot is 33 days.